‘The Celt Sellsword is a seasoned veteran, a sword for hire, well trained and experienced. While this mercenary may work for coin rather than some noble ideal, he does not shirk from his duty nor do less than his best. Honour is all to these men, and reputation comes hard fought and must be earned. The Sellsword knows it is not merely words that speak of character, but deeds. The Celt Sellsword is fierce, brave, and never backs down!
It is said that no one sings of those who cleave to the craven path! The Celt Sellsword may take pay for his services, but there is more to it than coin. The Celt Sellsword seeks adventure, the challenge, and easy tasks none shall sing of hold little sway over his mind. He sets his canon against mediocrity, for only those who walk the Path of the Hero can rise to greatness!’
The Celt Sellsword is characterised by the Skill ‘Pay Me’ since the wheels don’t turn on his chariot without pay. That said he doesn’t ride a chariot these days. He likes getting up close and personal, in the thick of it, where the action is, and you can look the enemy in the eye!

The Celt Sellsword comes with a Hero card, the following Skill cards .
Pay Me: Collect 10 Gold Coins before starting any Adventure Game or Dungeon Crawl scenario. This may be spent at a Town prior to the 1st game round.
Seen it all: Treat this Sellsword as +1 Mettle to starting Statistics.
Gods Bless Me: Treat this Sellsword as +1 Faith to starting Statistics.
Only the Strong Survive: Treat this Sellsword as +1 Might to starting Statistics.
Mind is the Fear Killer: Treat this Sellsword as +1 Will to starting Statistics.
Human Shield: The Sellsword can take the place of another Hero in their zone who is subject to an attack from an Enemy.
Human Shield 2: The Sellsword can force another Hero in their zone to be subject to an attack otherwise directed at themselves.
Sword Training 1: The Sellsword can attack as though at +1 Might if fighting with a sword.
Sword Training 2: The Sellsword has the benefit of Sword Training 1, which extends to include daggers. If carrying a sword/dagger in each hand, the Sellsword gains Defence:1 & when this Hero’s attack deals damage, may apply 1 additional damage to a target at Range 0.
Scavenger: The Sellsword draws 2 Treasure cards on a successful Search for Treasure in a zone, and must pick 1 and discard the other.
Look after it: And it will look after you. The Sellsword may spend a Triskelion in a zone where there are no Enemies to Test:3 to return 1 Durability to an Armour or a Weapon.
Camp & The Cook Pot: Spend a Soul. In a zone where there are no Enemies, a Sellsword may restore all Health to all in the zone. This ends the Game Round. Once Per Game.

‘The Enchantress is a woman of mystery, skilled in many arts, constantly rising above adversity, scorn, derision, and fear of those who judge her on preconceived misbegotten notions. She is wise beyond the Circles of the World, and yet fearsome when ired! As the Druids eye the Enchantress with suspicion the Enchantress sees the Druids as a contradiction to themselves and to nature. She knows the Fane Priests are well meaning, and idealistic, but she is aware of the machinations of those who send them forth, and their dangerous hubris!
Skilled in the craft, knowledgeable, and aware of the scriptures written into the landscape of Inis Fael, she seeks to enrich herself and those around her with deeper understanding, compassion and wisdom. Nevertheless, some evil is so utter that conflict is inevitable. The Enchantress knows this and when to act.
The Enchantress is characterised by her mysterious appearance, and is adorned in her robes, which confer protection upon her that no armour could. She is often seen bearing a Crystal Staff and can make the very air itself respond to her whim.’
The Enchantress comes with 5 Poker sized game cards consisting of 3 Soulstone treasure cards, 1 Robes of the Enchantress card & 1 Crystal Staff Equipment Card. These Equipment cards may only be used by the Enchantress.
The Enchantress starts play with Robes of the Enchantress, 1 Skill Unlocked & may trade Souls for the Crystal Staff at any time. This Hero may not wear Armour.
1.Aeromantic Weave:(Interact)Roll HoD to deal 2 damage per Combat at Range 0-2. Allocate Combat results among targets with Keyword: Corporeal as you wish. Ignores Defence. Once per Round.
2.Aeromantic Vortex:(Interact) Roll HoD to deal 2 damage per Combat and per Triskelion to all in target zone Range 0-1, except this Hero. Once per Game.
Craft Soulstones: This Hero can forge a Soulstone, by spending 1 Soul to do so. This Hero may carry a maximum of 3 Soulstones at any one time. Small Item. Value: 10 Gold Coins.
Blessings:(Class) Test Will; (Class) = successes. Place Cool Down to represent your Blessings = to the no. of successes. Dial down to enable a Hero in LoS to reroll any single dice. Remove Blessings at the End of the Round. May be used Once per Game Round.
Glamour: (Interact) or (Class) When targeted by an Enemy with Keyword: Living, perform Will Test:3. If successful that Enemy selects a new target as though the Hero were an ally. Use a Banked (Interact)or (Class) to use this Skill in the Enemy Phase.
Transference:(Interact): Touch 1 Hero or Enemy with Keyword: Living at Range 0. Roll a HoD to restore Health of 1 of you by 1 per success & deal 1 damage per Success to the other. If the Hero or Enemy is unwilling, Will Test:3 to perform this Skill.
Curse/Lift Curse:(Interact): Perform Will Test:3 to remove Curse condition from a target or (Interact&Soul)perform Will Test:3 Vs Health of Target to Curse them. Add 1 success per (U) spent. Place the Soul Token next to the Cursed. This Hero is Cursed for 3 Rounds, Cool Down:3. Regain the Soul at the End of Duration. This card is a double sided card, with Curse on one side and Lift Curse on the other.
Imbue:(Class): Add (U) successes to an attack or test of another Hero in your zone, excluding those in Twilight. Must be used before rolls are made.
Empower:(Interact&U): When using a Potion or a Scroll increase successes by 1 when rolling HoD or increase Cool Down value by 1. Increase either successes or Cool Down by an additional 1 per extra (U) spent when using the Skill.
Banish from the Quick:(U): Target Incorporeal Undead at Range 0-1 in the Land of the Living. Perform Will Test Vs Enemy Health. + 1 success per additional (U) spent. Remove 1 Incorporeal Undead from play Range 0-1. Claim no Souls.
Bewitch:(Interact): Interrupt attack of an Enemy with Keyword Living. Will Test Vs the Enemy Health. Add 1 success per additional (U) spent. If successful, direct that attack Vs another Enemy in the zone. If the attack is generated by a roll you may select which one is used. Mindless Enemy types are immune. May be used from the Bank in the Enemy Phase.
About those Cards:(X) is the number of cards included.
(3) Soulstone: Spend (U) at Range 0 of a Hero in Twilight to discard this Soulstone & grant the Hero +1 to their Will Test this round. Limit 1 Soulstone per Target Hero.
(1) Robes of the Enchantress: Defence: 1 Value: 200 Gold Coins Quality: Superior Durability: 3 Enchantress starts play with this card.
(1) Crystal Staff of the Enchantress: Cost to buy: 10 Souls, must be an Enchantress
Spend (U) to light the Crystal. It becomes a Range 0 light source until the Hero spends (U) to extinguish the light. +1 damage in Combat.